Drinking Water Filters - How They Compare in Effectiveness, Required Maintenance, Speed and Cost
0 comments Posted by ariya at 21:59In this article, we will look at reverse osmosis, distillation and multi-media block filter systems. You will discover drinking water filter vary widely in effectiveness, required maintenance, speed of filtering, and cost per gallon of filtered water produced. You will also acquire the information you need to choose the best drinking water filter system for your family.
In my opinion, you can pick any of the drinking water filters, outside of your own body, and it is a good one. But some are much better than others.
First, let's look at the reverse osmosis (RO) system.
This system works by forcing water, under pressure, against a semi-permeable membrane which will remove any particles larger than a water molecule. At this stage the RO filter is really just an inefficient, costly pre-filter because:
1. RO systems won't remove chlorine, pesticides or many other toxic synthetic organic chemicals, whose molecular size is smaller than water's so they must be use in conjunction with carbon filters.
2. Even under the required water pressure, two-thirds or more of the water molecules cannot be forced through the membrane and go down the drain as wasted water.
3. RO systems are slow, yielding less than one gallon per hour of filtered water and, consequently, they require a storage tank to give an adequate supply of water.
4. The membrane in the filter will remove metals such as lead, but it also removes minerals our bodies need such as calcium, potassium and magnesium making the water acidic which some health officials consider "unhealthy" water.
The RO system requires considerable maintenance and produces comparatively expensive water at about 18 to 24 cents per gallon.
Next up is the distillation system (D)
Distillation is similar to nature's recycling system. In nature the sun heats the water; it evaporates and rises to the upper atmosphere, condenses in the cooler air and falls as rain.
In the D system, water is passed over a heated coil, the steam rises, goes into a cooling chamber (where the contaminants remain), and condenses back to a liquid.
This system is very effective against bacteria. Any bugs chlorine might have missed such as cysts like Cryptosporidium and Giardia (bad bugs), will be zapped by distillation.
And, yes, the D system will get the lead out, but, like the RO system, it removes the healthful trace minerals as well.
Again, like the RO system, chlorine and other toxic chemicals sneak by because they vaporize at a lower temperature than water, go up into the cooling chamber, condense and return with the water. Also, like the RO systems, D systems must be used in conjunction with a carbon filter.
Distillation, like reverse osmosis, is slow and wasteful, wasting up to 80 percent of the water used. Distillation produces filtered water at a cost of 20 to 26 cents per gallon.
Lastly, let's look at multi-media block filters.
In the earlier version of these filters, water was simply forced through a cylinder filled with granular activated charcoal (GAC), or carbon. Activated charcoal was used because it was recognized by the EPA as the best filtering media for removing chlorine, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs).
However, these first systems had a tendency to:
1. Allow some water to flow between the filter's walls and the carbon, so, not all the water was filtered and,
2. There was some concern about these filters not being capable of removing the tiny microbes such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, or the more difficult to remove chemical compounds.
Both of these issues were resolved with the introduction of multi-media block filter technology.
This technology utilized the advantages of the activated carbon by making it a part of a blended filter media with a sub-micron structure that is extruded or formed into a solid block.
This multi-media block filter system:
1. Removes VOCs and SOCs, which, by the way, make up most of our pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs, herbicides, pesticides, etc. that are increasingly appearing in our water systems, and,
2. Removes the tiny microbes and the more difficult to remove chemical compounds and,
3. The solid block construction prevents the water from channeling around the filter media.
Multi-media block filtration systems have now come to the forefront of drinking water filter technology.
These filters work simply, (no pumps or storage tanks are required). They are efficient, quick and very economical, producing a steady supply of good, safe water for less than 10 cents a gallon.
In my opinion, they are by far the best choice of the home drinking water filters.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Eastham
The water filter installed in your home is supposed to help you by filtering and cleaning the water that reaches your faucet. Because today's rivers and streams (even underground water supplies) are more and more polluted and the demand for fresh water in on the rise, water purifying plants cannot always offer you pure water.
To increase the level of protection for you and your family, you should install a cold water filter. But once you have installed such a water filter, it will not function forever. Water filter manufacturers specify that you should keep your filter in a good shape by avoiding damaging it and replacing it after its lifespan has ended.
Most people forget to replace the water filter and by doing so, they expose themselves and their family to more severe perils then to not having a water filter at all.
To understand why changing your water filter is vital, you should know how water filters work. Most modern water filters are based on the carbon's property to absorb impurities from the water. The carbon filters are thicker then ordinary filters, taking the water longer to pass through all the filter's layers, ending up with more pure and cleaner water.
The carbon water filter also absorbs bacteria and chemicals (such as pesticides) from the cold water in addition to the debris, but when the filter gets clogged, its purifying and cleaning properties will decrease. These sediments that gather in your water filter contain bacteria and other dangerous substances and if you do not change it at the recommended moment, you will end up with all these substances and debris in your cold water.
Replacing the water filter is fairly easy. Water filter manufacturers provide replacement filters at affordable prices, so buying them is not an issue. Changing the filter is also straightforward, as all you have to do is take the old filter out of its socket and put the new one in its place. Simply unlock the filter canister by turning its cap about one fourth turn to the left and redo the procedure, in the reverse order, to replace the water filter.
You can find the best prices for a replacement water filter either at online shops or in local hardware and plumbing stores. Just make sure you buy the exact filter suitable for your own type of cold water filter.
Tag : water filter,pur water filter,brita water filter,water filter system
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Collins | |
Water Filters Guide - What You Should Know Before You Invest In A Water Treatment System
0 comments Posted by ariya at 21:42To some "Water, Water, Everywhere!" is a comic story but to others in other parts of the world, it's not amusing. Despite its abundance on earth, water has been one of the scarcest commodities both in quantity and in quality. In spite of advances in technology, drought and water borne diseases are common place globally. Drinking water supplies are exposed to all sorts of contamination sources and therefore causing confusion among consumers about their water quality. On one hand we are lead to believe that drinking water is well treated and safe to drink, on the other hand we can see news reports about few inefficient water treatment plants, or operators who try to manipulate water testing results. Water advisories are common-advising consumers to flush their water before they drink when certain contamination is discovered.
One sort of relief is that EPA indicated in "Water on Tap" report that the "actual events of drinking water contamination are rare, and typically do not occur at levels likely to pose health concerns." But the report says further that "there are growing numbers of activities that can contaminate our drinking water." Drinking water supply (surface and groundwater) can be exposed to such contaminants from combined sewer overflows, sanitary overflows, stormwater runoffs, concentrated animal feeding operations, failed septic tank discharges, and a host of others. These contaminants range from fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, toxic wastes, oil, adionuclides, and metals. (USEPA, 2003)
Contamination from the source
Drinking water supply is sometimes exposed to harmful contaminants right from the source. Disease-causing bacteria can get into municipal drinking water, well water, or contaminated ice. According to the 2002 CDC report, from 1985 to 2000, 251 outbreaks and 462,169 cases of waterborne illness related to contaminated drinking water were reported. Some of these cases were linked to surface water supply sources that have been contaminated by sewage. Some drinking water contaminations have been linked to Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) and raw sewage discharges into water distribution lines. Forty two percent of water water-borne disease outbreak was linked to Giardia.
EPA identified 59 CSO outfalls in seven states having outfalls within one mile of drinking water intake. Although the Report to Congress did not find any relationship between a CSO discharges from these outfalls and the transport of contaminants to the vicinity of drinking water intake, it says a more complex modeling is needed to do a better study. (USEPA, 2004)
Contaminants from home plumbing systems:
Water can be contaminated by lead in home plumbing systems. Lead contamination can lead to a variety of health problems. According to EPA, "in babies and children, exposure to lead in drinking water above the action level of 0.015 mg/l can result in delays in physical and mental development." While it is rare that lead can contaminate water from the supply, lead can leach to drinking water from corroded pipes in homes that have lead pipes, joints, and solder.
How to obtain fresh tasting and healthy water - The good news is that advancement in water treatment technology has made it possible to remove these water contaminants from our drinking water. Although, technology has not caught up with the pharmaceutical water contamination, most water treatment devices can remove drugs that contain volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). According to the NSF International, although many of the NSF certified water treatment devices are specifically designed to remove pharmaceuticals right now "many of these products can help provide additional protection against wide array of other contaminants." Consumers have a wide selection of water treatment devices to choose from and you don't have to buy bottled water-which can cost you lots of money annually, to obtain healthy water. In fact, studies have shown that some bottled water contains some level of bacteria. This is because tap water and bottled water are not regulated by the same standards and the same agencies.
An NRDC study showed that one third of 103 brands of bottled water tested contained some levels of contamination which includes traces of arsenic and E. coli. (NRDC, 999). Also, home filtration systems can improve the taste or appearance of tap water at a minimal cost. According to an FDA Consumer magazine article "water purified with these products typically costs less than buying bottled water. According to Brita, its high-end faucet filter system provides water for 18 cents a gallon, a considerable saving from $1 or more typically charged for an 8- to 12-ounce bottle of water." (FDA, 2002)
Before you buy a water treatment device Experts recommend that you should find out what types of contaminants are in your water before you decide on which water treatment device to buy. Home water testing kits cost between $9.00 for single parameter to about $99, or more, if you want to test for multiple parameters. The bottom line is the cost of testing your water is less because you don't want to buy or be pressured to buy a certain water filter just because a salesman says it's good.
A typical water filter device is designed to treat one or more contaminants. Most water treatment devices are certified by National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International. NSF (not to be confused with National Science Foundation) is an independent third party organization that has tested and certified thousands of water treatment devices such as home water filter, softeners, and purifiers to confirm treatment claims. Once you have confirmed what's in your water and have researched two or three water filters, you should confirm claims of treatment by these water filter manufacturers, then, make selection for the best water filter or purifier. If the treatment device you find is not certified, call the manufacturer to find out why. Beware that a treatment device may be tested but not necessarily certified by NSF.
What choices do you have?
Again, your choice of a filter device will depend on what your test confirms. For most, using a water filter may not be an issue but for those with compromised immune systems, it may be a necessity. Different options are commercially available. You may purchase a point-of-entry (POE) water treatment device if you want to treat all the water coming to your house. A POE or a whole house water filter is installed at the water main where water enters the house which will require an experience plumber to install. A point-of-use (POU) device is installed at the points where water will be dispensed around the house. These types of devices come as undersink or under counter, countertop, carafe, showerhead, and refrigerator water filters.
A POE (whole house water filter) can be fitted with activated carbon and reverse osmosis filters in that order. Some come as multiple-stage units fitted with more than one series of activated carbon filter to protect the reverse osmosis filter. Multi-Pure ($629), Apec ($385-$469), Aquasana ($799) are some of the few POE filters that are NSF-certified.
Water softeners are ideal for homes with hard water. You may want to check with your local government is water softeners are allowed due to elevated chlorides discharge from softeners. Most wastewater treatment facilities are not designed to remove excess chlorides resulting in excessive violations of their permits. As a result, water softeners are being banned by some local governments. Prices vary for all types of water softeners.
For POU water treatment devices, countertop or tabletop water filter are available in various shapes and models. A tabletop water filter is ideal for home owners who do not want to tamper with plumbing, and for a tenant whose lease does not allow him/her to modify the plumbing system.
Undersink water filters require some plumbing work. This is ideal for water treatment at a single location in the house. Prices will depend on the models and type of filters in the device.
In conclusion, before you choose an appropriate water treatment device, review your CCR report or have your water tested. Consider the long term cost and health benefits and most important of all is to read the fine print. Research NSF-certified water treatment devices.
Tag : water filter,water filter guide,pur water filter,water treatment system,reverse osmosis water