Many water filter manufacturers and salespeople are misleading the consumer by making false performance claims. Claiming to produce chemical free or contaminant free drinking water is nothing short of false advertising.
Many manufacturers are making these claims when the truth is very few water filters do anything more than improve the aesthetic value - taste, smell, and appearance of the water produced. Many claim to remove contamination from drinking water. The fact is NO water filter removes any contaminant entirely or produces pure water - H2O...
High quality water filters reduce contaminants to safer levels. Cheaper systems such as most faucet mount or pitcher type filters reduce chlorine and possibly reduce some small degree of chemical contaminants but allow the vast majority of contamination to flow right thru the filter, including bacterial cysts depending upon the micron rating of the filter.
Performance is one of the key factors in comparing any water filter. The effectiveness of any drinking water treatment device is measured by the performance of its filter. Most consumers, at no fault of their own, have no idea as far as how to compare filter performance. Hopefully the following information will help.
NSF International sets the standards - Industry standards for drinking water systems that can reduce harmful contaminants were first established in 1982 by NSF International. NSF tests water filters at the manufacturer’s request. NSF tests and certifies drinking water treatment devices to the standard appropriate for the technology of the product. For water filtration devices, NSF may certify the product to improve the aesthetics of the water (Standard 42), the health effects of the water ( Standard 53) or both. In addition NSF has developed testing standards for Reverse Osmosis and Distillation systems.
NSF certifies that the product meets the contaminant reduction claims of the manufacturer or adding anything harmful to the water. NSF also certifies the advertising, literature, and labeling of the product by the manufacturer is not misleading in any way. Reputable manufacturers pay thousands of dollars to have the rigorous NSF testing performed. NSF proves all claims made by the manufacturer to be true including filter life expectancy.
Manufacturer’s are proud to announce and advertise their products are NSF Certified. If they are certified, it will be displayed on the packaging or any literature concerning the product. One thing to look out for when it comes to claims of manufacturers, products that are certified will state certified – not meets the standards of NSF or meets NSF certification standards. It will be clearly stated – NSF Certified. This goes for standard type water filters and reverse osmosis units also...
So, how can the average consumer compare performance? It is easy to compare the performance of any water purification product. Simply go to the NSF website, and request the certification of the product. The certification will show exactly what the product in question is tested and certified to do. The certification will show in detail, which contaminants are reduced and to what degree. They will also verify claims of filter life expectancy.
NSF Certification is important. Never purchase any water filter that is not NSF Certified. By carefully reviewing NSF Listings, consumers can determine the specific contaminants that the drinking water system is certified to reduce. Some systems are certified to reduce only one or two contaminants , and some are certified to reduce just a few, while others have been NSF tested and certified to reduce many contaminants of aesthetic and health concern under Standards 42, 53, and 58. Filters certified to conform to material requirements only are those that have been tested to confirm that the filter does not add any harmful substances to the water.
Quality filters save money - Another key factor to look at is filter life expectancy, as replacement filters can be expensive. Amazing as it may seem, the high quality and more costly water purification products are usually less expensive in the long run because of the fact the filters last longer requiring fewer filter replacements. Also look at the micron rating of the filter. Bacterial Cysts, which can cause illness when consumed, can be as small as 1 micron. To be safe, always look for a filter which is rated to less than 1 micron.
Read More Articles Concerning Drinking Water, Water Filters, Reverse Osmosis, Tap Water, Bottled Water, Home Water Filtration, Water Contamination, Water Purification, and the Florida Aquifer @
Patti Wilson
Water Filtration Consultant
St Augustine Florida
904 522 0524
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